
In a time of great financial unrest, Forex is an industry that is still thriving. While stocks have traditionally been a popular trading choice, FoRex has overtaken stock trading as the preferred investment choice for both novice and experienced traders alike, thanks to the many benefits it provides. As a more than $4 trillion dollar daily industry, there has never been a better time to start trading FoRex.

There are many reasons why traders are choosing online FoRex over stocks. Here are just a few:

  • With online FoRex you can trade 24 hours a day, 5 days per week, offering you the flexibility and freedom to trade whenever you want.
  • The FoRex market offers trading without the need to pay commissions, fees, or brokerage charges, unlike the stock market.
  • Trades are executed instantaneously in the Fo-Rex market off real-time quotes, without having to wait for a broker to place your trade.
  • The FoRex market offers 6 majorly traded currency pairs and 34 second-tier currencies (compared to over 8000 stocks), making it significantly easier for traders to stay educated and manage their portfolio.
  • FoRex is generally considered to be a more predictable and stable instrument thank stocks, making it easier for traders to follow a set trading strategy and make big profits.